I, Witness, our witness familiarisation process provides witnesses with a comprehensive understanding of the theory, practice and procedure of giving evidence; and the skills to withstand the rigours of cross examination.
The training includes familiarising each witness with the layout of the legal forum, the likely sequence of events, and a balanced appraisal of the different responsibilities of the various people at the hearing.
Role plays allow witnesses to experience cross examination and receive constructive feedback on their performance.

Expert witnesses play a fundamental role within the judicial system.
The Expert Witness training will enable you to
Produce court-compliant reports and statements
Give effective oral evidence
Understand the relevant law and procedure throughout Australia and New Zealand
Appraise your own work objectively and critically
Improve your marketability to instructing solicitors and the Court throughout Australasia

(Coming soon)
We provide training and instruction for people who are representing themselves in court proceedings. We will not give legal advice or comment on the subject matter of individual cases, but we can help make the process a little less daunting by helping you:
Become familiar with court processes
Think more independently about issues
Structure an argument
Improve your written and oral advocacy skills