Usually, witnesses make or break a case. Yet, giving evidence can be a daunting, unfamiliar and uncomfortable experience. Most witnesses of fact and many expert witnesses have never seen the inside of a courtroom, tribunal, or similar legal forum. They can be required to attend a hearing and be cross-examined without always understanding what is required of them, how to prepare properly, or how to give evidence clearly.
I, Witness, our witness familiarisation process provides witnesses with a comprehensive understanding of the theory, practice and procedure of giving evidence; and the skills to withstand the rigours of cross examination.
The training includes familiarising each witness with the layout of the legal forum, the likely sequence of events, and a balanced appraisal of the different responsibilities of the various people at the hearing. It also incorporates mock cross-examination based on hypothetical case studies.
Legal Empowerment trainers are experienced litigators. However, all trainers are fully independent of any existing or contemplated court proceeding in which the witness may be involved.
I, Witness training will:
Mitigate the risk of poor witness performance in court
Prepare witnesses thoroughly for their appearance in a hearing
Reduce the effects of nervousness or over-confidence

Witness Familiarisation Feedback :
"Although I’ve never attended anything similar, I was very impressed with the course. It has given me some confidence in evidence presentation and has certainly been a good reminder of the need for preparation."
"Very clear and concise and provided great real life scenarios."
"Helpful training both in content and style. Trainer clearly very experienced and able to tailor training and questions to the level of her audience."
"A valuable course and well presented, thank you."
"Good/helpful advice – helped to calm unease about what to expect and how to handle the situation"
"Great course, very practical and helpful to apply the principles in the box."
"Very clear and well presented. Presenter could speak with authority given her experience as a litigator "
"Good training, put me at ease and began to see what a cross examination might be like."
"So very helpful, clear, encouraging. Being tested in a role play was a huge learning curve 'practise by doing'."
"The trainer kept it interesting and focused. A great start to what would otherwise be a very stressful and daunting few days."
Litigation lawyers: we offer a free 1-hour CPD in-house seminar on the ethics of witness preparation.
Please contact us for more information